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Fig. 1.

(A) Transhepatic portogram illustrates the gastric varix (dashed arrow), the short gastric vein feeder (short arrow) and the posterior gastric vein feeder (long arrow). (B) Later phase portography shows a better opacification of the dilated and tortous gastrix varix (dashed arrow); left and posterior gastric veins afferents are also demonstrated (long and short arrows, respectively). (C) Portography demonstrates successful coil embolization of the left and posterior gastric veins (long and short arrows, respectively). The gastric varices (dashed arrow) are filled with constrast by injection via microcatheter thorough the short gastric afferent (black arrowhead) and a gastrorenal shunt (white arrowhead) is also visualized. (D) Anteroposterior view confirms the Berenstein occlusion balloon catheter (white arrowhead) placed via femoral approach inflated in the gastrorenal shunt and microcatheter placed in the short gastric afferent for antegrade sclerosant injection.

Int J Gastrointest Interv 2019;8:165~167 https://doi.org/10.18528/ijgii190001
© Int J Gastrointest Interv