pISSN 2636-0004
eISSN 2636-0012

Table. 1.

Published Data of EUS Guided RFA Treatments in Pancreatic Disease

Reference Author No. patients RFA devices Mean tumor size (mm) Settings Efficacy Overall survival (n) RFA related adverse events (n) Prophylaxis
Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm Lakhtakia et al15 3 insulinomas EUSRA 14–22 50 W Symptoms relief (100%), persistent at 11 mo FU All patients alive at 11 mo FU 0 NA
Choi et al14 7 NF-NENs, 1 insulinoma EUSRA 20 (8–28) 50 W (10 sec) 6 complete responses, 2 incomplete responses; remission of hypoglycemic symptoms in insulinoma patient 2 (25%): 1 abdominal pain, 1 pancreatitis Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Oleinikov et al16 7 insulinomas, 11NF-NENs (some multifocal; 2 with treatable metastasis); 27 total lesions EUSRA 14.4 (4.5–30) 10–50 W, 5–12 sec 26/27 lesions with typical post-ablative changes at CE-EUS; 7 (100%) symptoms resolution in insulinomas; no recurrence after mean 8.7 mo FU 2 (11%) mild pancreatitis Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Barthet et al11 14 NF-NENs (Grade 1) EUSRA 12 (10–20) 50 W until bubbles or impedance 100–500 Ω 12 (86%) complete disappearance; 2 absence of Doppler at EUS NA 2 (14%): 1 acute necrotizing pancreatitis (RF without suction of cystic fluid), 1 MPD stenosis; 20% postprocedural pain After the first 2 patients: rectal NSAIDs + amoxicillin/clavulanate
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Wang et al21 3 LAPC Habib 37.3 10–15 W, 2 min Mean reduction in tumor size: 13.94% NA 0 NA
Song et al20 4 LAPC + 2 MPC EUSRA 38 (30–90) 20–50 W, 10 sec NA 2 (33%) self-limiting pain Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Scopelliti et al19 10 LAPC EUSRA 25–75 20 W (lesion < 3 cm), 30 W until impedeance 500 Ω Mean diameter of necrosis at 30 day CT: 30 ± 13 mm NA 4 (40%): 2 postprocedural self limiting pain, 2 asymptomatic ascite Broad-spectrum antibiotics + octreotide + LMWH
Crinò et al18 8 LAPC + 1 metastatic rectal cancer EUSRA 36 (22–67) 30 W Ablated area in all patients at 30 day CT: mean diameter 3.75 cm3 (0.72–12.6 cm3), 30% of tumor mass NA 3 (33%): 3 mild abdominal pain NA
Yang and Zhang22 8 unresectable pancreatic cancer Habib NA NA Ablated area inside the tumor in 100% 8.3 mo 0 NA
Arcidiacono et al17 22 LAPC HybridTherm 335.7 (23–54) 18 W, cooling pressure 650 psi. 6 mo (13 patients) 8 (50%): 3 mild postprocedural pain, 1 duodenal bleeding; 1 hemobilia and jaundice†, 1 jaundice†, 1 duodenal stricture†, 1 peripancreatic fluid collection Ceftriaxone + gabexate mesylate
Pancreatic cystic lesiosns Pai et al23 4 MCN, 1 IPMN, 1 microcystic adenoma Habib 36.5 (20–70) 5–25 W, 90-120 sec 2 complete resolution; 4 reduction (mean: 50%) NA 2 (33%): self-limiting pain Cyst aspiration before RFA
Barthet et al11 16 IPMN, 1 MCN EUSRA 28 (9–60) 50 W until bubbles or impedance 100–500 Ω 12 (70.6%) significant response: 11 disappearance and 1 > 50% decrease; 12/12 (100%) disappearance of mural nodules NA 1 (6%): 1 perforation of jejunal loop (RF without suction of cystic fluid); 20% postprocedural pain After the first patient, aspiration of the cyst before RFAfter the first 2 patients: rectal NSAIDs + amoxicillin/clavulanate

EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; RFA, Radiofrequency ablation; FU, follow-up; NF-NEN, non-functioning neuroendocrine neoplasms; CE-EUS, contrast enhanced EUS; MPD, main pancreatic duct; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; LAPC, locally advanced pancreatic cancer; MPC, metastatic pancreatic cancer; CT, computed tomography; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; MCN, mucinous cystic neoplasm; IPMN, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.

Values are presented as median (range) or mean only.

Int J Gastrointest Interv 2020;9:170~176 https://doi.org/10.18528/ijgii200030
© Int J Gastrointest Interv