pISSN 2636-0004
eISSN 2636-0012

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Fig. 2. PRG with tube placement. The patient was a 46-year-old male with ALS. (A) A nasogastric tube was placed to allow air insufflation under fluoroscopic control; (B) the two-needle Funada gastropexy device was placed percutaneously to bring the anterior stomach wall into contact with the interior abdominal wall; (C) a T-fastener gastropexy via a single needle was used to access the gastric lumen; (D) a 15-Fr gastrostomy tube was placed and contrast was injected via the tube for confirmation. PRG, percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy; ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Int J Gastrointest Interv 2021;10:72~76 https://doi.org/10.18528/ijgii210004
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