pISSN 2636-0004
eISSN 2636-0012

Table. 2.

Associations of Age, Sex, AIT and Presence of a Lesion Diameter Greater than 30 mm with Patient Survival

No. of patients (n = 64) Overall survival Liver progression-free survival

Median 95% CI P§ Median 95% CI P§
Sex 0.658 0.614
Male 40 59.54 (4.42) 50.87–68.21 49.31 (5.54) 38.46–60.17
Female 24 62.36 (5.66) 51.25–73.47 43.61 (6.55) 30.76–56.47
Age (yr) 0.450 0.716
< 60 32 62.78 (5.01) 52.95–72.62 58.41 (4.92) 36.81–61.92
≥ 60 32 49.37 (6.40) 48.76–68.05 45.64 (5.73) 34.41–56.87
AIT* 0.096* 0.003*
52.14 (7.40) 37.63–66.66
1 21 52.82 (5.69) 41.66–63.99
2–3 35 66.30 (4.42) 57.62–74.99 50.62 (5.66) 39.51–61.72
4–5 8 45.80 (8.93) 28.29–63.31 17.56 (5.45) 6.88–28.24
Presence of lesion 0.281 0.213
No lesion < 30 mm 44 66.66 (7.12) 52.70–80.62 51.75 (15.20) 21.95–81.54
Any lesion (30–50 mm) 20 64.98 (6.01) 53.19–76.76 29.5 (0.48) 28.55–30.44

CI, confidence interval; AIT, ablation index tumor.

*Indicates the effect of 4 or 5 AITs among 3 variables.

†Because of the patient-based nature of the study, all patients with an ablated lesion greater than 30 mm in diameter were included in this group.

‡Median survival rates are presented on a monthly basis. Values in parentheses are the standard error values.

§Log-rank comparison between variables.

Int J Gastrointest Interv 2023;12:130~139 https://doi.org/10.18528/ijgii230019
© Int J Gastrointest Interv