pISSN 2636-0004
eISSN 2636-0012

Table. 3.

Association of Variables with Overall Survival

No. of patients (n = 64) Overall survival

1-year (%) 3-year (%) 5-year (%) 7-year (%) Median 95% CI P
Technique 0.697
MWA 33 100 72.6 62.2 41.5 59.39 (4.90) 49.78–68.99
RFA 31 96.8 69.5 57.9 50.2 61.00 (5.01) 51.17–70.83
K-ras oncogene < 0.001
Wild-type 34 97.1 88.0 80.7 70.6 71.55 (4.13) 63.45–79.66
Mutated 30 100 53.1 38.1 22.9 48.81 (4.82) 39.36–58.25
Prior systemic chemotherapy* 0.613
No 39 97.4 73.5 64.4 47.5 62.60 (4.28) 54.21–70.99
Yes 25 100 67.8 53.8 47.0 57.49 (5.87) 45.98–69.00
Colorectal localization 0.025
Right 16 93.8 62.5 50.0 12.5 49.22 (6.39) 36.68–61.75
Left/rectum 48 100 74.0 64.0 57.0 64.13 (3.93) 56.41–71.85
Lung metastasis < 0.001
No 49 100 87.4 75.7 59.4 70.03 (3.10) 63.95–76.12
Yes 15 93.3 17.8 0.0 0.0 26.49 (3.18) 20.26–32.73
LTP during follow-up < 0.001
No 49 85.0 61.0 52.2 45.2 66.94 (4.32) 58.46–75.43
Yes 15 53.3 25.0 0.0 0.0 51.10 (5.28) 40.74–61.45

CI, confidence interval; MWA, microwave ablation; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; LTP, local tumor progression.

*Prior systemic chemotherapy choice was neoadjuvant in all patients (see Table 1).

†Median survival is shown on a monthly basis, while annual survival is shown as a percentage. Values in parentheses are the standard error values.

‡Log-rank comparisons between variables.

Int J Gastrointest Interv 2023;12:130~139 https://doi.org/10.18528/ijgii230019
© Int J Gastrointest Interv