pISSN 2636-0004
eISSN 2636-0012

Table. 2.

Clinical and Histological Outcomes According to Snare Type

Factor Thin-snare group (n = 66) Thick-snare group (n = 71) P-value
En bloc resection rate (%) 66 (100) 71 (100)
Complete resection rate (%) 51 (77.3) 60 (84.5) 0.068
Retrieval rate (%) 66 (100) 71 (100)
Tissue fly-away (%) 3 (4.5) 0 (0.0) 0.069
Complication (%)
Immediate bleeding 11 (16.7) 7 (9.9) 0.239
Delayed bleeding 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Perforation 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Specimen size (mm, mean ± SD) 8.1 ± 3.4 7.6 ± 4.6 0.487
Depth of specimen (%) 0.637
Muscularis mucosa 61 (92.4) 64 (90.1)
Submucosa 5 (7.6) 7 (9.9)
Depth of submucosa (μm, mean ± SD) 500.8 ± 403.8
(5 cases)
409.3 ± 196.5
(7 cases)
Int J Gastrointest Interv 2023;12:183~187 https://doi.org/10.18528/ijgii230057
© Int J Gastrointest Interv